Thursday class was crazily tiring. We had class from 9 in the morning till 6 in the evening.
Owh...! We saw some pretty awesome adverts.. Okay, I know, I'm going crazy over ads okay..! Its just nice and touching.. and some pretty funny... I'll post it up at the end of the blog.
Yesterday, Friday. Went over to Ee Leen's place and hangout with the guys. As usual, Raff, Da Wei and Xue Jieh. Jon bought some muar otak-otak for us. For them la, cos I don't eat otak-otak. Hate brains. Then ALL of us sit and watched Boltz (blue ray) on Jon's MAC laptop. I know, is crazy but we watched bout half an hour and headed for lunch.
We did something really random yesterday. Out of the sudden we decided to help Da Wei to bake cupcakes..! =) We went over to ss14 to get the stuff (bakery stuff).. Spend almost 17bucks.. I think its much more cheaper to bake than to buy.. =) You can view the photos at Ee Leen's blog. If she update it la.. haha..
Today Brian and I headed down to One Utama. We was there for a while. We wanted to eat Zenmai today, but the queue was crazily long. So we ended up at Fish and co. Then we walk about a while and headed back to Subang..
Class today was fun..! Watched a few pretty good ads.
This few ads was quite interesting.
This ads are quite funny... Watch it if you got the time..
p/s: I wanna go MOS this Thursday. Mum said OKAY..! =)
p/ss: Thursday classes are from 9am till 6 pm.. Crazily tiring..
I posted a post and I took it down cos I thought I was crapping about my emo-ness...
How did you read it?? So weird..
I'm now at Starbucks feeling a little bit of everything.
Maybe I'm all stressed out, and I'm not in my best mood today. *sign*
I'm almost done with my work with a few hundreds more words to go. Yea but at least in the range of two to three hundreds more words. And I'm really running out of ideas, as I didn't really do much research and its all genuine ideas from me. Well, not really but at least I have it in my brain. Just that I might have a lot of grammar mistakes and yea..
p/s: I've been sitting at Starbucks for almost 4 hours.
p/ss: Don't lie to me.
I dislike :
-writing essays.
-doing referencing.
-having to do research.
-how I'm having brain jammed.
-you getting all moody.
-you not telling me what is wrong even if it hurts.
-how you said "bye" to me earlier.
-me for getting jealous for nothing.
I like :
-how I feel when things were fine.
-it when you are all happy and hype.
-having McFlurry..
-how you take the efforts to make me happy.
-it when I don't have assignments.
-when I get to go shopping without worrying about cash!
I want :
-to have my Haagen-Dazs (its been weeks/months..! and I'll continue to bug you)
-to get over with things and move on.
-to learn how to play an instrument (at least).
-to speak and write better / improve my English language.
- to be a better person and live life with a purpose.
- a pink Bible..! *wink*
p/s: click on my ads kay..! thanks.. =) *hand kiss.. mwah*
My internet line is really driving me up the wall...! I can't do my assignment that will be due on Monday.
Just came back from Pyramid. Was there since about 6.30pm. Guess what?? Brian and I watched Angels and Demons. It was good, not as bad as the Da Vinci Code. I really think I'm a crazy movie-holic.. heh.. I watched four movies in a WEEK..! See told you I'm crazy. But at the same time it was fun and summer is here. You know what that means?? More movies..!! haha..
So many due dates coming up and I haven even start a single thing for my mass communication assignment. I'm DONE..! Yea, literally la.. And tomorrow we got Communication English group assignment, where we got to present our product and convience the audiences to buy it. Second is a short 2-3minutes public speaking with the weight of 50% marks. Don't you think its a little bit ridiculas?? Yea, I mean, if a good whole 15 - 20 minutes cos about 50% its still okay, but this is only a 3MINUTES talk..!
Anyway, I'm getting tired. Internet access at home are pretty much horrible.
Whitney Houston - All at Once
All at once,
I finally took a moment and I'm realizing that
You're not coming back
And it finally hit me all at once
All at once,
I started counting teardrops and at least a million fell
My eyes began to swell,
And all my dreams were shattered all at once
Ever since I met you
You're the only love I've known
And I can't forget you
Though I must face it all alone
All at once, I'm drifting on a lonely sea
Wishing you'd come back to me
And that's all that matters now
All at once, I'm drifting on a lonely sea
Holding on to memories
And it hurts me more than you know
So much more than it shows
All at once
All at once,
I looked around and found that you were with another love
In someone else's arms,
And all my dreams were shattered, all at once
All at once
The smile that used to greet me brightened someone else's day
She took your smile away
And left me with just memories, all at once
Ever since I met you
You're the only love I've known
And I can't forget you
Though I must face it all alone
All at once, I'm drifting on a lonely sea
Wishing you'd come back to me
And that's all that matters now
All at once, I'm drifting on a lonely sea
Holding on to memories
And it hurts me more than you know
So much more than it shows
All at once
Serious Business:
We (Melly, Steph, Louis and Me) did our assignment for Creative Thinking class and this is what we did.. =)
Jack went to the clinic today. One of his blood vessel in his ear tore. My poor Jack got to be on medication for two weeks. Doctor said it was nothing serious as it will subside by itself once it stop scratching his ear. Anyway, it was scary to be in the clinic with Jack, not one where there's 3 cats running lose (they belong to the clinic). At first Jack was okay with the clinic, not until his eyes were glued to the cat at the clinic..! And this cat.. I tell you, Oh! her name's Mimi, ya, she was like this "big sister" of the clinic..! Dogs also not scared and it seems that she got into a fight with a German Shepard not too long ago. But according to the clinic assistance, lucky the dog was old and "tak ada gigi". Haha. Cats now a days are getting braver. She even wanted to pound on to Jack..! Horrible.
By the time I was back from the clinic it was already 6 plus. Came back and saw Mommy online (Ee Leen) so we chat for a while and she invited me for movie...! =) She says it was Make it Happen, its a dance movie something like Step Up. Then Ee Leen, Jon, Brian and I all headed down to Ikano Power Center for dinner. We had meatballs..! I had this chicken with lemon herb sauce.
Oh! I was kinda pissed with the waiter at the Ikea Cafe. I wanted them to change my carrot (which I don't like a lot) to brocollies, they say cannot cause the chicken comes with carrot, then okay la. Fine. Then went it comes to the sauce, I wanted brown sauce and they say cannot AGAIN..! I mean come on man, I'm sure the cafe can be a little flexible on the customer prefrences. It won't hurt that much to change my sauce..? Right?? And the lemon herb sauce taste like some baby canned food..! *hmmph*
So by the time we had our dinner, its times up..! Time for movie..! So we headed over to Cineleisure with our loaded tummies. When we reach the ticket counter, we realised it wasn't 'Make it Happen', it was 'The Battle of Terra'. We saw the poster and it looked pretty good and interesting, but the fact is, it was not..! It was boring. Brian said it was like some baby Star Wars, which I think its quite true. Anyway, I got to thank Ee Leen for inviting me to watch the movie and get to spend some Mother-Daughter time with her. Haha. Oh! Happy belated Mother's Day to her too..
-Miss J-
I got this from facebook. And the only reason why I'm doing this cos I'm very bored.
Rule #1:If you open this you take it.
Rule #2:You are NOT ALLOWED to explain ANYTHING unless someone messages you and asks.
Rule #3:Tag 17 people.
Answer True or False
Q: Kissed someone on your friends list? T
Q: Been arrested? F
Q: Do you like someone? T
Q: Held a snake? T
Q: Been suspended from school? F
Q: Sang karaoke? T
Q: Done something you told yourself you wouldn't do? T
Q: Laughed until you started crying? T
Q: Caught a snowflake on your tongue? F
Q: Kissed in the rain? F
Q: Sang in the shower? T
Q: Sat on a roof top? T
Q: Been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on? F
Q: Broken a bone? F
Q: Shaved your head? F
Q: Played a prank on someone? T
Q: Shot a gun? T
Q: Donated Blood? F
Just be 100% truthful.
1. You hung out with? - Family
2. You texted? Brian
3. You were in a car with? - Family
4. Went to the movies with? Brian (x-men)
5. Person you went to shop with? - Brian
6. You talked on the phone? - Brian
7. Made you laugh? - Mum
8. You hugged? - Brian
1. Sun or moon? - Moon
2. Winter or Fall? - Winter
3. Left or Right? - Right
4. Sunny or rainy? - Rainy
5. Where do you live? - Malaysia
6. Club or pub? - Club
7. Are there 1 or 2 people who you can always trust and rely on? - Yes.
8. Do you want to get married? - Ya, I do.
9. Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it? - Twirl.
10. What time is it? - 1845
11. Are you afraid of commitment? - No.
12. What is your greatest hope/wish? - I can turn back time and wait..
13. Do you cook? - On occasion.
14. Current mood? - Bored.
1. Kissed someone? - Yea
2. Sang? - In the car with Brian and Steph
3. Listened to music? - I am listening now.
4. Danced? - Nop!
5. Cried? - Yes.
6. Liked someone you can't? - Yes.. sadly..
1.Who was your first prom date? - Brian..
2. Who was your first roommate? - Me, myself and I
3. What alcoholic beverage did you drink when you got drunk the first time? - Everthing, that's why I was drunk.
5. What was your first car? - A proton saga.. =)
6. When did you go to your first funeral and viewing? - My grandma funeral, 2yrs ago
8. Who was your first grade teacher? I don't remember..
9. Where did you go on your first ride on an airplane? - Japan
10. When you snuck out of your house for the first time, who was it with? - I'm a good girl.. =)
11. Who was your first Best Friend? - Used to be Mellisa Tan from primary.
12. Who is your best friend? - Brian
13. Where was your first sleepover? - Mag's place
14. Who is the first person you call when you have a bad day? - Brian
15. Who's wedding were you in the first time you were a Bridesmaid or groomsman? - Nobody..
16. What's the first thing you did when you got up this morning? - Thought about last night the text msg.
19. First tattoo or piercing? - When I was 7?
20. First celebrity crush? - Don't rmb.
22. First crush? -Haha.. I seriously don't rmb..
Yea, I know that I'm not perfect and at some point in life I'm a lil dumb on certain things. This is what we called life I guess. But anyhow, I believe that things will be better as time goes by.
I woke up at 8.30 am thinking that I was late for breakfast with Melly and Steph for breakfast at 9am.. and guess what? I arrived there first. Its the Malaysian timing thing going on here. I was at Damansara Jaya at 9.45am and they weren't even there yet. Yea! An hour late.
Anyway, we had dim sum there and the bill came up about RM63.20 (divide by the 5 of us = RM 13/person). The food there was not bad, but USJ 21 is still the best. One day I shall bring them up here for breakfast.
We were at Atria for our photo shoot session. Its for our Creative Thinking assignment that we need to hand in next week. (pics will be up as soon I get them from Melly)
Later in the evening, I went down to One Utama, 1U with Brian to hangout. At last I bought myself a formal shirt and we even applied for a PDI concept store member card. It seems that we won't be getting any discount but we'll get points. Oh well.. Yup!Anyway, since now I've got my shirt and pants, what I'm missing now is a pair shoes! A proper formal shoes.
We had Subway for dinner. As usual, Brian will have his foot long sandwich and I'll have my very own 6-inch sandwich. I ordered Subway Melt. *yum yum* It was good, and I "almost" finished it. Okay.. I left bout an inch okay..! Its too big for a girl like me. I have very small tummy kay. By the time I finish my 6-inch 5-inch sandwich, Mr Seow finished his foot long sandwich! He eat so fast..! And after he finished he still can go grab some cookie and me still struggling with my sandwich. *hmmph* Monster eater..! =P
We wanted to go catch movie, but all the movies we wanted to watch was all unavailable. So we walk for while and headed back to Subang.
There's too many assignments coming up..! DUE dates..
Lets see how many assignments I have to hand in in this month.
Tan Meng Yoe, Mass Communications
- Individual Assignment - History Of Media, 25th May
- Group Assignment - Sosial Issues Organization, 24th Jun
Joanna Lee, Advertising Principles
- Individual Assignment - Reserch on a Product and create 2 ads, 11th Jun
- Group Assignment - *akan datang*
Mr Choong, Creative Thinking
- Give opinion an a advertisment, 19th May
Mrs Choong, English
- Create a new product and present it, 20th May
This is the numbers of assignments I'll be having. And I haven't start on anything. I guess I need to wait till panic strikes..!
-Miss J-
I just watched X-MEN..! Super cool movie. I think I shall name this the second best after Batman. =) Anyway, at last..! At last I won't be so sesat if someone talks about it.
Oh..! Brian said I emo on my blog. Hmm. Sorry. But this is where I can emo when I got no body to go to okay. So deal with it. *evil laughter*
Okay la, I'll try to tone my emo-ness down okay, so you people don't have to suffer with all my rubbish.
Oh..! I need YOU! *people who's reading my blog* to help me press on the ads please...! *puppy eyes*
I'll haunt you in your dreams with my puppy eyes till you click my ads. Hahahhaha..
Okay, enough of my craziness.
-Miss J-
Though I don't have one, but I do wish all of this happen to me.. Its just sweet... And guys!! Learn...!
Tag as many people as you want... Everyone should read this !
I don't care if you have a boyfriend or girlfriend right now.
I don't care if you are a guy or a woman or Michael Jackson.
Just read this, it will make a difference.
If only everyone could see this and understand it.
When she stares at your mouth,
Kiss her.
When she pushes you or hits you like a dumb-ass it's because she thinks shes
stronger than you,
Grab her and don't let go.
When she starts cursing at you trying to act all tough
Kiss her and tell her you love her.
When she's quiet,
Ask her whats wrong.
When she ignores you,
Give her your attention.
When she pulls away,
Pull her back.
When you see her at her worst,
Tell her she's beautiful.
When you see her start crying,
Just hold her and don't say a word.
When you see her walking,
Sneak up and hug her waist from behind.
When she's scared
Protect her.
When she steals your favorite hoodie,
Let her keep it and sleep with it for a night.
When she teases you,
Tease her back and make her laugh.
When she doesn't answer for a long time,
reassure her that everything is okay.
When she looks at you with doubt
Back yourself up.
When she says that she loves you,
she really does more than you can understand.
When she grabs at your hands,
Hold hers and play with her fingers.
When she bumps into you,
bump into her back and make her laugh.
When she tells you a secret,
keep it safe and untold.
When she looks at you in your eyes,
don't look away until she does.
When she reposts this bulletin,
she wants you to read it.
- Stay on the phone with her even if she's not saying anything.
- When she's mad hug her tight and don't let go.
- When she says she's ok don't believe it.
- Call her at 12:00am on her birthday to tell her you love her.
- Treat her like she's all that matters to you.
- Stay up all night with her when she's sick.
- Watch her favorite movie with her or her favorite show even if you think it's stupid.
- Give her the world.
- Let her wear your clothes.
-When she's bored and sad, hang out with her
- Let her know she's important.
- Don't talk about other girls around her
- When she runs up to you crying, the first thing you say is:
"Whose ass am i kicking baby?"
If you don't think this is sweet, you're just a pure dumb bF..
-sweet Miss J-












And now he's trying to meditate.
*hummmm, hummm.....*
And yea. You get that.
And now off to goodbye.
-Miss J-